through in-person tuition for all 11+ students

5-Star Ratings

Georgia got her first choice school

When Georgia sat the Grammar
School entrance test, she knew that she’d done really well. She ‘felt prepared,’ and has gone from strength to strength

5-Star Ratings

Evie feels at ease with her tutor

Evie needed very specific help with her maths. This was swiftly covered and she feels much more positive about her maths exams.

In-person tuition that helps your child
to reach their potential


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In person lessons

In class is where we tackle trickier maths concepts, and explore language tasks like comprehension and creating characters. These lessons are essential, and an opportunity for the tutor to discuss pupil progression.

Online at your own pace

We partner with Century Tech to provide the market leading online 11+ app. Pupils can test their maths, English, Verbal and non-verbal reasoning. Score are fed back to your tutor who provides feedback and support.

Friendly competition

Whether it’s a buzzer round as a team, or an online Kahoot, play and friendly competition is at the centre of our teaching ethos. Competition is a good reason to revise. We use competition to motivate our children.

Carefully paced tutoring for your child. Supporting and building on all existing strengths and boosting confidence throughout the session and term.

The importance of enjoyment

At Top Of The Class, we understand the importance of making learning fun. We make every effort to feel positively different from school. We are engaging, thorough and patient. But at the forefront of our company ethos, we strive to always make our classes enjoyable.

We don't do stress

As parents that have walked the 11+ path, we know that this can be a pressurised time for parents and children, and our job is to prepare children for the exams. We help them to organise, problem solve and feel confident about their chances.

The best technology

We utilise modern technology and a variety of exciting apps to ensure that our lessons are interesting and inclusive. All of our tuition apps collect data that is fed back to our tutors. This enables our tutors to recognise and reward excellent performance, and intervene if we see a child is struggling with a module or concept.

Taking care of the basics

By focusing on enhancing core maths and English skills, we aim to help children develop automatic calculations, enabling them to tackle more complex problems with ease. One of our key goals is to boost childrens’ confidence. Knowing that they have mastered a particular element of learning is a fantastic motivator. We start by mastering the basics.

Sticky knowledge

Making knowledge stick is key to learning, and the trick is for it not to feel repetitive. We use a variety of techniques to ensure that we create ‘sticky knowledge.’ Competitions, quizzes and team projects are some of the ways that we achieve this. Progressively making seemingly similar questions more demanding

Get started today

To register your interest; Book a session online, take a sample exam paper, check out our free micro-lesson for this month or contact us to get started.

I look forward to working with you.
